Skittles are releasing a new flavor in 2018 — Sweet Heat — so start preparing yourself now.
Just when you thought candy couldn’t get any more exciting, Skittles is here to blow the door off the hinges. After laying in the weeds for a while, present but not at the forefront of the candy game, Skittles is coming off the top rope with a new flavor that is as ridiculous as is it is potentially intriguing.
Picture a person sitting on their stoop, eating a bag of Skittles when their Wonder Years inner monologue ponders you know what is missing here — heat. If you’re that person, today is going to be one of the best days of your life.
Skittles is releasing a new line of spicy candies. Rejoice:
Coming Jan 2018: Sweet Heat Skittles - begins as Skittles then gets spicy after 8 seconds
— Kevin Pang (@pang) May 24, 2017
There’s really no reason for this level of unholiness to exist, but here it is. Like the fires of hell, the heat of Skittles is about to take over the world. Thank goodness we until the next calendar year to adequately prepare ourselves to blame this on Millennials. Who will be the first old person to complain about how back in their day there was one flavor of Skittles and if you didn’t like that then you could eat M&M’s?
Let’s be real here, we’re all going to try these. Skittles releasing these in January 2018 means there’s time to hype these bad boys up to the max, and why not? Spicy candy is a thing in other corners of the world, so it’s not an insane idea to trot out.
This seems like an easy idea to troll, but let’s reserve judgement until after we’ve tried the sweet and spicy Skittles. After all, unlike other candy companies Skittles has a pretty solid track record of tasty success, so let’s just wait and see how this plays out.