If you were holding out hope that the McDonald’s Sriracha Burger was going to be good, keep holding onto those dreams.
McDonald’s is trying to get hip and stick with the changing landscape of fast food. Everyone — and everything — is more health conscious now which means a higher standard for the fast food we all inevitably eat.
When it comes to McDonald’s, the face of everything we think is terrible about fast food, it’s been slow going. The company is just now getting into the artisan lifestyle and just came around to the Sriracha craze with such tardiness that it borders on parody.
The two newest offerings are a burger and a chicken sandwich that offer Sriracha Mac sauce on them. Tim Carman from the Washington Post reviewed the burger and to the surprise of pretty much no one, it sucks.
The saving grace, according to Carman, was the chicken sandwich. Given a choice between wondering if Sriracha would taste better with beef or chicken, the safe bet is usually poultry.
"Frankly, I preferred the crispy chicken breast doused with Sriracha Mac sauce. The sauce just aligns better with the flavor and texture of fried chicken. I mean, there’s a reason Buffalo mini burgers aren’t a thing."
Of course the real crime here has nothing to do with the taste. The sandwiches are pushing $6 a piece, and for that price this subpar quality isn’t going to cut it. Check out some of the photos that Carman included in his piece — it’s not something you want to pay north of a fiver for.
This could just be a case of a poorly made sandwich, thus making it a singular problem. Then again, Sriracha and McDonald’s hamburgers never really seemed like that great of an idea.