Not Your Father’s Mountain Ale, the brand’s latest soda-inspired beer, is a crime


The latest addition to the line, Not Your Father’s Mountain Ale, is too Mountain-Dew-reminiscent to be appealing. Unless you do the Dew?

Not Your Father’s is a line of boozy sodas, or soda-inspired beers, from Small Town Brewery. And in July of the Year of our Lord 2017, they debuted a new beverage: Not Your Father’s Mountain Ale. It’s lime green and the nod — in name and color — to Mountain Dew is undeniable. This is extremely concerning.

Small Town Brewery first made waves with the debut of Not Your Father’s Root Beer, a delicious and strong as hell alcoholic root beer. It’s very sweet, but you certainly can’t have more than one or two at once, both because of the heaviness of the beer and its alcohol content. Really, it’s best paired on with ice cream, for a boozy root beer float.

They then went on to create Not Your Father’s Ginger Ale and Not Your Father’s Vanilla Cream Ale. While not as enticing as alcoholic root beer, boozy ginger ale had a similar stroke of genius to it and vanilla cream ale is in line with any creamy vanilla craft beer you can think of. In a word: Inoffensive.

(The brewery also produces Not Your Mom’s Apple Pie, Not Your Mom’s Iced Tea and Not Your Mom’s Strawberry Rhubarb, which deserve a separate discussion about dessert-inspired beer and also maybe gender usage?)

In any case,  back to the neon green giant in the room.

This doesn’t look like a beer. And the idea of boozy Mountain Dew is far too close to the concept of Four Loko, if we’re being totally honest. But it’s possible we’re overreacting, after all, it’s labeled as a “citrus brew” meaning it could very well be more in line with a boozy 7-Up or Sprite? Does that make it better? Who is to say. It still feels very…unnecessary.

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Still, many of Small Town Brewery’s fans seemed excited about it. So, maybe that’s all that matters?