National Potato Day: Lay’s is offering free chips here is how you get them

Lay’s is offering chip fans the chance to get free chips on National Potato Day, here is how you can go about getting your hands on the best snack ever invented.

Want free chips? Do you specifically want free Lay’s chips? Well, I would happily take free chips over no chips but if I had the ch

oice I am opting for Lay’s chips. August 19 marks the day of the potato and on National Potato Day Lay’s is offering chip fans the chance to get some free chips.

It won’t be any old chips that they happen to have lying around either. You get to choose the flavor of our choice. So you don’t have to worry about getting something you don’t like. So if you are a BBQ fan you can have them? Ranch fan? Yeah, you can have them too, like I said it is up to you.

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How you go about getting them is easy as well. All you need is social media and a bit of luck.

On all of their social media profiles, Lay’s is asking fans to share with them what your favorite flavor is. To do that, all you need to do is drop a comment on the social media post and on National Potato Day Lay’s will pick a select number of winners to receive the free chips.

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And that is it. You don’t need to go filling in forms or signing up to receive random promotional e-mails or cold calling, or any of those other annoying things some competitions make you do.

This is simple, comment what your favorite flavor is and keep your fingers crossed.

So will you take part on National Potato Day? What is your favorite flavor of Lay’s chips? Share your thoughts and flavor by sounding a comment off below.