Coffee: Unique facts you should know about your favorite brew

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Number 3: The popularity of coffee!

Did you ever wonder how popular coffee was? As in how it compared to all the other products in the world?

Well, it’s pretty damn popular. You probably already guessed that with the hundreds of thousands of different coffee shops dotted all over the world. From your big cooperate coffee stall, such as Starbucks, Costa Coffee, and other franchise, to the little locally owned coffee shop on your high street.

Throw in that almost every fast food joint, restaurant and bar offers the drink, and you can buy it to take home to make yourself, and you begin to realize that coffee is everywhere.

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Once you realize all of that, it shouldn’t be surprising when I tell you that it is the second most traded item in the world. The only thing that is traded more is oil.

Oil is the only thing that is traded more than coffee, that is how big the coffee industry actually is. Thankfully, no wars have been started over coffee beans, unlike oil.

At least not yet anyway, I shudder to think what the world will turn into once all the coffee beans in the world dry up. Will we turn into brainless zombies? Or will we run rampant, destroying each other in some apocalyptic world that we created in our desperate need for caffeine?