Fast Food: Healthy menu items that can actually be unhealthy

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(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for Wendy’s)


Salads, normally the staple menu item for the healthy go-getter. Filled with rabbit munch and other non-deep fried items, you would think it was the best thing you can have.

And you would be right, but also wrong. While a salad can certainly be healthy for you, it can equally be unhealthy depending on the toppings put onto it. Salad dressings are a major culprit of this. Many of the dressing can turn your salad from a healthy to an unhealthy item within seconds.

The toppings thrown onto the salad can be just as bad. For example, bacon pieces are commonly put on salads, far from super healthy, and if you go for say crispy chicken rather than grilled, that turns your salad into an unhealthy alternative as well.

Good thing is, that salad can be tailored and you can make it healthy. The dressing is normally not put on for you, if it is, ask them not to. That way, when you get your salad, you can either opt to not put it on or maybe only use 50% of it instead. In terms of toppings, always go for grilled chicken when you can and personally I wouldn’t go for the bacon at all.

One other good thing to consider is not eating all of the salad. Portion sizes are a major player in unhealthy lifestyles. If you feel full when eating your salad. That’s a big sign that you need to stop.