Fast Food: Healthy menu items that can actually be unhealthy

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Smoothies, parfait and other fruity drinks

Instead of a pop, some of us will go for a smoothie, or a fruit juice. When it comes to breakfast, instead of a sausage and egg muffin we will opt for a parfait. Again, all sensible and reasonable choices when you want to stay healthy. Are they healthy though? Well, that’s the debate.

When it comes to your smoothie’s and fruit juices’. Sometimes they have just as much sugar in them as a fizzy pop. While it may be seen as a fruit, which is healthy, fruit is loaded with sugar, albeit natural sugar, but still sugar.

All being said, a smoothie or a fruit juice is still a better alternative than a fizzy pop. The point here is it is not as healthy as you might think and if you have too much it becomes unhealthy.

Smoothies can catch you out more than anything else because a lot of people will opt for them as a meal replacement. Not realizing the sugar intake they are ingesting.

The same thing applies to the parfait. Hidden sugars are in them as well, so while you may think it is a good choice, it’s possibly not.

And that is the keyword, “possibly not.” All fast food restaurants are different so what might be unhealthy in one fast-food chain, may be really really unhealthy in another, but in the next, turn out to be completely healthy.

You should always be aware of what is inside your menu items, fast food chains are really good for giving this information out, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find.