11. Nick Tahou Hots — Rochester, NY
Have you ever heard of the “garbage plate?”
No, it’s not what you may think, but rather, a beautiful concoction that should have taken off all over America, but has only resided in its native Rochester. There are plenty of homey establishments that sell the famous (or, infamous) “garbage plate,” but the best place to get one is where it all started, Nick Tahou Hots.
So, what exactly is a “garbage plate?”
Well, it’s a plate that mixes all sorts of food together. Now, some may find this to be nasty, but trust us, it’s heaven on earth. Nick Tahou Hots has been selling these “garbage plates” since 1918, and during this time period, there have been many copycats that have sprung up.
But Nick is the original, and, as many argue, the best, and there’s no way one can beat the original. Nick Tahou Hots has a variety of “Garbage plates” one can choose from. The one that catches the eye is the cheeseburger egg garbage plate, which comes with hot sauce and will give your taste buds a delightful kick.
So for folks that want to try the famed “garbage plate,” there may be no better place in America than Nick Tahou Hots.