20. Caporal Chicken – Miami, FL
Miami is a tourism powerhouse that has grown its culinary profile over the years.
While one will surely find cuisine and food from all over the world, Miami and its environs can easily get tourist to forget that they’re in the South. Well, for people who are looking for comfort delights in Miami-Dade County, you have to go off of the beaten path to find the greasy spoon magic that is Caporal Chicken.
Sitting almost near The Everglades, Caporal Chicken is a hole-in-the-wall that will truly wreck anyone’s New Year’s Resolution of eating healthy. Caporal Chicken’s specialty is chicken wings and reading some of the Yelp reviews of this place, one would think that Caporal Chicken was the “God of Chicken Wings” in Miami.
The Yelp page of Caporal Chicken is full of five and four-star reviews, with many raving about the wings. Caporal was even voted by the Miami New Times as having the best fried chicken, and that is a very huge statement. Corporal doesn’t only do chicken, they serve up some great southern comfort food as well.
One of those comfort foods is the fried mac and cheese, which is almost like talking to the food Gods. They also serve up their version of chicken and waffles, which could very well rival the best Southern California or Atlanta has to offer.