3 best spots in Chicago to get Deep Dish Pizza

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(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

2. Pequod’s Pizza

Located in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago, Pequod’s is easily one of the, if not the, most popular non-franchised spots in town.

This pizza gem was founded by the legendary pizza-man, Burt Katz, a little over 30 years ago. It would eventually be sold in 1986, but it’s remained one of the most beloved deep dish pizza spots in Chicago.

The best thing about their pizza is undoubtedly their crust, as the edge is caramelized with a thin layer of cheese. While it is a bit thicker than most deep dish spots, the dough is perfectly balanced, creating both a light and airy crust, while also having a nice crisp to each bite.

It's business at usual at Peqoud's Pizza this evening. Warm up with a hot pie.

Posted by Pequod's Pizza Chicago on Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The sauce has a hint of sweet, with just the right amount of tang; creating the perfect balance of flavor. The overall ingredients of this pizza are so good that a plain pie can be enjoyed just as much as one with toppings. Although, I will say that their toppings are a welcomed addition as well.

I am often amazed at the amount of Chicagoans I encounter who have yet to try Pequod’s. This spot is a definite must-try for not only residents of Chicago, but anyone who visits as well.