Tea for every need, from boosting weight loss by 7 pounds to beating bloat to helping you sleep


Tea time! Whether you’re seeking a drink to boost your weight loss or energy or something to sip to help you sleep, we’ve got the tea to match your need.

Tea is too often regarded in our coffee-crazed society as a sad substitute for Starbucks beverages.

But when you’re in need of a panacea to help you sleep more soundly or looking for a way to boost your weight loss, it just may be time to appreciate the benefits of this beverage for specific needs.

Find your match below.

Boost weight loss

It’s not just the Kardashians who are touting tea for weight loss! And no, you don’t have to spend big bucks to boost your weight loss.

Studies show that green tea may be the best option for helping you take off the pounds, according to the Express. One study compared people who were overweight who drank green tea or a placebo beverage for 12 weeks. Those who sipped plain green tea (no fancy brands endorsed by celebrities were involved in this research!) lost 7.3 pounds more than those who were given the placebo.

Beat the bloat

Bloating is a bummer. But the right concoction may ease that uncomfortable feeling and help you slip back into those skinny jeans. Although a variety of teas can ease bloating, ginger is a real winner, according to Mind Body Green.

Ginger has been used to ease digestion problems for decades, with those suffering from tummy trouble finding relief in the way that ginger helps relieve bloating swiftly.

And here’s a win for do-it-yourself cooks: Making your own beverage is easy!

  • Peel 1/2 inch fresh ginger root.
  • Slice the root.
  • Steep in boiling wager for five minutes, and sip your concoction.

Ease insomnia, help sleep

Are you tired of all those supposed remedies for getting a good night’s sleep that just don’t work, like counting sheep (baaaa!)? Research shows several different herb teas may help you sleep, reports Healthline.

For example, chamomile contains an antioxidant, apigenin. That ingredient has been shown to reduce anxiety, which in turn may help with sleep. One study showed that women who sipped chamomile for two weeks had improved quality of sleep. Other options you may want to try to help you sleep include valerian, lemon balm, and lavender.

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Be sure to check with your health care provider before trying any tea for medical reasons. And tell us in the comments section your teatime temptations!