2. Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones TV-themed restaurants would be a great way to keep the fans in love with the show after the series ends later this year. The first thing that is a must is wine. Wine is a mainstay in the show. Cersei drinks it. The Starks drink it. Tyrion drinks a whole lot if it. But there wouldn’t be any wine glasses. If we’re going to create Game of Thrones TV-themed restaurants, we’re going to do it right, which means there have to be goblets. You want the customer to feel like they could steal the iron throne, right?
In terms of design, the restaurant could be split into different sections to show the various places in Westeros. There would be the Winterfell section with dark stone, King’s Landing would feature the iron throne and be a remaking of the throne room with reds and tans, the Tyrell section could be covered in flowers and light colors, and the Dorne/Martell section would be sunny and everything colored yellow, red, and orange (and you have to pretend Oberyn Martell is still alive).
Food-wise, it would need to be really rustic food. Big platters of meat, steaks, roast, and probably some game just to give the vibe that you’ve been hunting with Ygritte. It could even be family-style with large plates of vegetables and entrees. And, of course, there must be lemon cakes for dessert.
Additionally, there could be people dressed as certain characters roaming the restaurant. If you are going to do a themed restaurant, you might as well go all the way, right? Oh, and there have to be dragons! They would either be at the entrance or painted on the walls. After all, Game of Thrones wouldn’t be Game of Thrones without the dragons?