Celebrate Avengers: Endgame with some delicious food from the MCU

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Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier..Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)..Ph: Zade Rosenthal..© 2014 Marvel. All Rights Reserved.


In 2011, MCU fans not only saw Thor but also Captain America: The First Avenger. The first Captain America film gave the world Skinny Steve, a brilliantly digitized Chris Evans that saw the hulk of a man reduced to a 70-pound asthmatic. Thanks to some technology from Howard Stark (Tony’s father, no less!) Skinny Steve turned into Captain America and the world was better for it.

However, though Steve Rogers looked like Captain America, his complete lack of experience from his Skinny Steve days lived on. During an unauthorized mission to rescue his friend Bucky Barnes, Captain America was flown into enemy territory by Howard Stark and Peggy Carter. While Peggy took the time to brief Captain America on the dangers of his mission, Howard Stark decided to ask Peggy over for a late-night fondue. Steve, being extremely unworldly, assumed fondue was a euphemism for something else. In Steve’s defense, nobody corrected him, and it was only much later that he learned that fondue is just bread and melted cheese.

Sadly for Steve and Peggy, they never had the opportunity to share a fondue together as Steve sacrificed himself to save the world, only to emerge decades later when Peggy was already bed-ridden. But for fans of Steve Rogers, Avengers: Endgame will be the perfect opportunity to find (or make) some cheese fondue as a reminder of everyone’s favorite shield-bearing Captain.