Celebrate Avengers: Endgame with some delicious food from the MCU

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Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War.Photo Credit: Film Frame..© Marvel 2016


In Captain America: Civil War, the Avengers unraveled because Tony and Steve couldn’t see eye to eye on the Sokovia Accords. Not only did the disagreement branch out into an all-out fight that ended with Rhodey becoming partially paralyzed, but it also put friends and lovers on opposite sides. One such pair that found themselves facing off against each other was Wanda Maximoff and Vision.

In essence, Wanda was the reason for the Sokovia Accords even being put in place, after her misdirected blast ended up killing innocent Wakandans. When everyone had turned against her, the only person to stand by her side was Vision, the synthetic humanoid robot. In an effort to make Wanda comfortable, Vision tried to make paprikash, a Hungarian recipe that is also apparently popular with Sokovians.

Unfortunately, since Vision is a robot, his limited palate affected his culinary skills, to such a degree that Wanda had to take over. Sadly, the romantic moment between the two of them was ruined when Wanda tried to leave the compound to get real paprika—Vision had been tasked with keeping Wanda in the compound, for everyone else’s safety. Thus, no paprikash was made that day.

As we saw in Avengers: Infinity War, Wanda, and Vision put their differences aside to share a real romance only to be later killed by Thanos. Whether or not they were able to have a paprikash during their time together, we strongly suggest you make some paprikash to share with a loved one after watching Avengers: Endgame. And we’ve even found this simple recipe for you!