The latest episode of Game of Thrones brought with it death, love, and — wait, is that a Starbucks cup?
If you ask me, the special effects on Game of Thrones have been stellar and everyone is at the top of their game. Well, almost everyone. Who is to blame for the coffee cup (looks like it’s from Starbucks) left on set? Did you see it? I’ll be honest, I totally missed it until I saw reports about it this morning.
The survivors all gathered to celebrate their victory with food and drinks. A very well-deserved party and meal! But it appears someone stopped by Starbucks before joining the others. Daenerys, maybe? Several viewers with a very good eye quickly spotted the coffee cup and took to Twitter to laugh and share memes about it with others.
Watch the clip below, which Good Morning America brought to our attention:
There are coffee cups in Winterfell? Interesting! Who do you think it belongs to? It’s next to Daenerys, but how could it have been missed? In Episode 3, “The Longest Night,” viewers had trouble seeing anything on the screen. And in the latest episode, “The Last of the Starks,” we may have seen too much.
No one from the cast or crew have said anything about it, but we really want to know the story behind the forgotten coffee cup on set. It’s too funny not to acknowledge!
The reason most of us missed it is probably because we were too busy watching Daenerys hate on all the love Jon Snow is receiving. Try as she might, Daenerys will never be loved as much as Jon is by the people. But at least she has Starbucks.
Game of Thrones airs Sunday nights only on HBO — and it appears the cast loves Starbucks! Hey, we don’t blame them.