Do you know your neighbor? Stella Artois has the perfect ice breaker for you this holiday season: Stella Together Holiday Sweater Pack.
Here’s a fun fact Stella Artois brings to our attention, according to a recent statistic, only 21% of Americans (under the age of 30) know their neighbors. This holiday season, the beverage company wants to change that with Stella Together Holiday Sweater Pack.
It’s a shame we don’t all live in a jolly, friendly neighborhood. But you know what they say, change begins with you. This holiday season, why not share a beer with your neighbor? Stella has just the thing — and it’s absolutely free (while supplies last). Read all about it, below!
Stella Artois has created a customized two-pack carrier that holds two beer and a bottle opener. It’s super quirky and a must-have! Not only is it a great ice breaker, but it’s such a fun gift! Best of all, Stella is giving these away while supplies last. All you need to do is check them out, HERE, to see if any are currently available. Please note, beer is not included.
If they are marked as sold out, all hope is not lost. Follow @StellaArtois on Twitter and share a photo of you and your neighbor (Instagram works, too). Don’t forget to use the hashtags #StellaNeighbors and #Contest so that the brand finds your post! Additionally, one lucky winner will receive a month’s supply of holiday Stella.
MORE: Holiday snack must-have: Magical Holiday Popcorn Pail from The Popcorn Factory

Read more about the rules and details HERE.
What’s your favorite drink? Do you know your neighbor? If not, this is your chance! Good luck, and cheers!