Didn’t think conversation hearts could get worse? You might be wrong because now they come in fruity flavors. Check them out here!
Valentine’s Day is almost here and of course, that means conversation hearts are everywhere. Despite how awful they taste, we still refuse to give them up. Brach’s is even coming out with new heart-shaped candies where there is acute phrase on both sides of the heart.
You can now read “LUV U”, “BAE”, “CALL ME”, or KISS ME” no matter what side of the heart is facing you. Oh joy. And if you thought the taste of normal conversation hearts was bad, wait until hear the flavors of these new candies! These “Heart 2 Heart” confections come in banana, orange, cherry, grape, and lemon flavors.
Ok, I’ll give them orange and lemon. It’s really hard to mess up those flavors. They are almost always decent. But banana…really? Artificial banana is one of the worst flavors in existence. There is no way it can taste good. If you’ve ever had a banana Laffy Taffy, you know what I mean.
The grape probably taste like a bland version of fruit juice and if the cherry tastes any better than cough syrup, I will be shocked.
I’m almost tempted to buy these just out of sheer horrifying curiosity. Just because they are outlined and not have words on both sides, doesn’t mean they aren’t the same chalky candy, right? New flavors can’t make up for the sidewalk-chalk texture. I think I’ll stick to my chocolate!
What do you think of these new conversation hearts? Does it make you want to try them? Let us know in the comments below!