Moving into 2020, let’s look at three trends that have appeared so far that we should all give a try.
1. Cauliflower-based products
Besides the newly discovered cauliflower noodles from Noodles & Company as mentioned above, there’s one cauliflower-based product that is one of my personal favorites: cauliflower pizza crust.
Sure, it’s very crispy and thin, but for the most part, it just tastes like a more earthy version of the typical pizza crust that we all know and love. A great brand of this to try, is the brand of frozen pizzas called Caulipower.
Another cauliflower-based product is cauliflower rice. Green Giant has a bunch of different flavor varieties of this, from cheddar to casseroles. Obviously, it doesn’t even compare to regular rice, but it’s still delicious nonetheless.
2. Intermittent fasting
While this isn’t a food, it’s still something that I feel like a lot of people couldn’t benefit from should they wish to try it. I’m not saying that we all have to go on this sort of dieting, but if you’re looking for a way to shed a few pounds or just to control your eating a bit more, this is something to try.
To explain it a bit more, intermittent fasting is considered to be a pattern of eating in which people go through periods of fasting and eating. The most popular version of this is fasting for fourteen hours and eating the rest; however, another version that might be easier for some people is to calorie restrict on two days of the week and eat normally the other five.
Definitely give this a try if it sounds like something you may benefit from.
3. Bone broth
When doing some research about food trends, bone broth did come up a lot more than I was expecting it to be.
During these crazy times in our world right now, I think that bone broth can actually help a lot of people with its tremendous health benefits. Some health benefits of bone broth include a boost in your immune system (super important right now), rich in collagen which can reduce inflammation, strengthen bones, and keeping your skin and hair healthy.
Overall, trends may come and go, but how long they stick around is up to us. Let us know down below if you’ve tried any of these trends and which you liked or disliked. Also, drop some more trends below that we missed out on (good or bad)!