String cheese is a snack you can bring with you anywhere. You can enjoy it as your school lunch, work snack, you name it. String cheese is perfect. But what is it and how is it made?
Personally, I’m probably one of the biggest fans of string cheese that there is out there. It’s the perfect healthy snack to bring with you anywhere and everywhere. It’s a snack loved by kids and adults alike (and also kinda fun to eat sometimes as well).
Many people might be wondering how this food product comes to be, what it is, and what’s some science behind it. Here, you’ll find the answers to just that. Let’s take a look!
One question people have is about the type of cheese that string cheese is. Mostly, you’ll see the classic white mozzarella cheese that everybody knows and loves. However, upon doing some great research here, it’s actually referring to different kinds of cheese mixed together mostly.
Another main thing that people ask about is how string cheese is made to be stringy. Is it modified? Is it fake? No and no. This stringy cheese is made of 100% cheese and completely naturally.
When being manufactured, wherever that may be, the proteins in each cheese being used are aligned, giving it that classic stringy look and fun that makes it what it is (iconic). How do the proteins line up exactly? Well, when it comes to mozzarella cheese, when it is heated to roughly 60 degrees Celsius (or roughly 86 degrees Fahrenheit) and stretched, then that is when the proteins officially line up and become stringy!
So now anytime you look at a regular block of mozzarella cheese and wonder how it’s so stringy, you’ll realize and know that it probably isn’t quite so stringy just yet.
Again speaking here, string cheese is loved by kids and adults alike and is the perfect snack to take around with you to anywhere and at anytime.
Let us know, do you like string cheese as much as I do? If so, do you have a favorite brand or kind? I don’t. It’s all waaay too good. We’d love to know your opinions on this wonderfully delicious snack!