Atomic Fireballs
According to Old Time Candy, Atomic Fireballs were first created back in 1954 in the times of atomic bombs and all things related like such.
Atomic Fireballs are a unique form of a jawbreaker that surely stands out for how slowly it begins to burn your tongue with its super spicy cinnamon flavor and taste alike (so, yes, if it’s even possible, even hotter than the Hot Tamales that you just read about in the above section/paragraphs. Surely cinnamon can’t make Atomic Fireballs so hot on its own, right?
Wanna know the secret ingredient that makes these so hot and burns a hole in your tongue? Well folks, that would be capsicum; this is the compound that makes hot peppers hot. Want even one more quick and cool fact about these Atomic Fireballs?
Well, according to the manufacturer, Atomic Fireballs rate a 3500 on the Scoville Scale (that measures spiciness of course), which puts them right in the range and same general categories with jalapeños and similar peppers to that alike! WOW!
If you love spicy and you love jawbreakers, these may be your new thing so definitely give them a try wherever you may find them nearest locations unique to yourself!