Taking a look at some of the best vintage candies

Photo: Mini Charleston Chew.. Photo by Kimberley Spinney
Photo: Mini Charleston Chew.. Photo by Kimberley Spinney
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Boston Baked Beans

The original Boston Baked Beans is set in its classic red brick-like pattern package, and was originally created back in the early 1930’s to be exact, right around the same time as Red Hots, (which you will read more about later). Boston Baked Beans, in the candy and sweets-based industry, is basically another term for sugar-coated peanuts (BBB are bright red to be exact). The company that began producing these was known as The Ferrara Pan Candy Company.

If you’re curious about how Boston Baked Beans are made or produced, here’s what a vintage candy website had to say about the process:

"The Boston Baked Bean is created using the cold panned candy process. This process involves building candy pieces from single units, such as peanuts, and tossing them into revolving pans while adding flavor, color and other candy ingredients. This process continues until the pieces become the size desired."

While this may not be the sweetest candy, it reminds me of the concept of Peanut M & M’s, in the fact that there is candy coating on the outside, and a nut on the inside. The only thing that truly sets them apart is the chocolate itself. Other than that, the concept is one and the same truthfully.

If you’re a fan of Peanut M & M’s, then you’ll probably be a fan of these Boston Baked Beans, and will at least be familiar with such a texture.

Definitely give these a try if you like candies that are a bit less sweet to begin with.