6. Sweet Potato & Brown Sugar
Yes, I still think these are delicious! However, I don’t feel like I’m eating a Sunchip when I’m eating these, that’s why it’s low on my list here. If something doesn’t make you feel like what you’re eating, then it needs to change here.
When you eat any other Sunchip flavor, your tastebuds can tell it’s a Sunchip, but there’s just something about these Sweet Potato & Brown Sugar chips that taste and feels different.
This particular flavor variety is very sweet for a chip, but what can you expect with the words “sweet” and “sugar” in the flavor name? It’s the perfect blend between sweet potato and brown sugar, which is great because that’s what the flavor is advertising. Still, it doesn’t have that classic Sunchip-related taste like you get when eating basically any other flavor of Sunchips.
A lot of people do not like this flavor variety for the very same reasons that I do; it doesn’t feel like you’re eating a Sunchip. Then again, some people absolutely love the sweetness mixed with the crispiness of the chips. It all just depends on what you are used to!
Upon doing some research, there was definitely some mixed reviews on this particular flavor. It’s still definitely worth trying if you’re one of those people who needs to try every flavor of something. While it’s not the best flavor, it still shouldn’t be avoided or overlooked, so don’t knock them until you try them!
Overall, Sweet Potato & Brown Sugar deserves a 6.5 out of 10.