Sunchips: Ranking 7 flavors of this fan-favorite chip

SunChips Harvest Cheddar. Image Courtesy Frito-Lay.
SunChips Harvest Cheddar. Image Courtesy Frito-Lay. /
7 of 8

2. Original

Obviously speaking, this is the simplest flavor of Sunchips that there is, but also one of the most delicious ones in my personal opinion. There’s not much to them. It’s the classic taste of the 100% whole grain Sunchip with some salt (and the perfect amount, in my opinion).

When doing some research here, this particular flavor has the shortest, most simple list of ingredients used, and that’s obviously expected since it’s a pretty bland flavor. This isn’t to say it’s not delicious, though!

If you’re a huge fan of plain, non-flavored chips, such as Lay’s or even just plain tortilla chips, then these will definitely be on the top of your ranked list as well, just like they are on mine. Trust me, I do love flavored chips, but if a plain chip is good, then it’s really good. Making a plain chip can be difficult because you want to get the most amount of flavor out of lesser amounts of other outside ingredients as well.

Generally, the original flavor of Sunchips is a flavor cult classic favorite for many because it’s just simply salty (but again not too much) and addicting as well. Definitely give these a try if you’ve never had Sunchips before and would like to start somewhere and really get a good taste for what the actual Sunchip itself tastes like without any flavoring to it!

Overall, Original deserves an 8.7 out of 10.