5. Chicken Ceaser Grilled Stuft Burrito
Much like the previous entry with its spin on the BLT sandwich, the Chicken Ceaser Grilled Stuffed Burrito was a spin on the chicken caesar salad. Since I’m assuming everyone reading this is familiar with a chicken wrap, I won’t waste too much time writing about the product’s taste.
With that being said, the product was discontinued shortly after its debut in the year 2003. This entry is unique in that there isn’t anything too negative to rip on about the taste of the product and that this one really just boils down to a lack of interest in customers.
While The Bell’s Chicken Ceaser Grilled Stuft Burrito may have been written off as a glorified Ceaser salad wrapped up in a tortilla, this product seems to have garnered a cult-like following over the years. According to Fandom, several Facebook revival pages have been made to bring this former Taco Bell item back on the menu.
4. The Chicken Club Burrito
We continue the Taco Bell & bacon chronicles with yet another blast from the past: The Chicken Club Burrito. Aside from the obvious ingredients like chicken, lettuce, and diced tomatoes, Taco Bell ups the ante by also including bacon yet again.
This time around, it’s not the bacon that makes this particular item an entry for their worst efforts, it’s the chicken, as shocking as that may sound.
According to one So Yummy post, this mid-90s Taco Bell item was referred to as bland in regards to its taste and the post also reads that Taco Bell’s chicken has never quite been on point. While this fast food chain’s chicken game is a debatable topic, it’s hard to refute the fact that The Chicken Club Burrito wasn’t what foodies were hoping for.