In what could only make perfect sense in 2020, Oreo is going to release a Lady Gaga themed version of their iconic cookie.
When you walk down the cookie aisle of your local supermarket, the number of different versions of Oreo can be a bit intimidating, especially during the holidays. It seems like every other day a new flavor of the iconic cookie arrives and with it the eternal question: which one is the best?
However, no matter how overactive your imagination may be, it can be safely assumed that you never, ever thought you would see the new version of Oreos that are about to start arriving at your local market. Seriously.
Prepare yourself for Lady Gaga Oreos.
Yes you read that right. The two are teaming up to bring you a new Oreo that has a Lady Gaga theme. And we can now add that to the list of sentences I never thought I would type.
As reported by USA Today, the new Lady Gaga Oreos are a a tie-in for the singers new album Chromatica. The cookies themselves are pink colored Golden Oreo with a creme inside that is colored green. The cookies will include designs inspired by the songs on the album.
Word on the street is that the cookies will begin arriving in six-cookie packs next month while full packages of Lady Gaga Oreos will begin showing up on store shelves sometime later in the year.
But what if you just can’t wait to try a Lady Gaga Oreo? If that’s you, head over to Lady Gaga x Oreo Stan Club and sign up so you can be the first to know when they begin shipping to stores. And down the road Oreo and Lady Gaga will be having a contest for free Oreo merchandise as well as experiences with Lady Gaga herself.
Lady Gaga Oreos. Only in a year like 2020 could something like this happen.
What do you think fellow foodies? Does a Lady Gaga Oreo sound like something you simple can’t live without? Or is it a hard pass for you? Leave a comment below and let us know.