Forty-four down, and only a few more left now. We are officially in the home stretch here, so hold on just a bit longer with us, and we promise that it’ll all be worth it in the end (if it hasn’t been proven to you already).
So far, which state sandwich has been the most predictable? Let us know down below!
Next up, let’s travel to Vermont and Virginia!
45. Vermont
Sandwich: Jambon-Beurre (ham-butter)
Where to Enjoy: Red Hen Baking Co.
Sure, this is one of the most basic of sandwiches on this list; however, who needs more than ham and butter on a sandwich? I’ve personally even made ham and butter roll-ups on tortillas before, and let me tell ya: it’s delish.
These types of sandwiches are sold daily over in France, and that’s exactly what Red Hen is trying to do: be a classic French bakery in the middle of the United State of Vermont. It’s located in between Waterbury and Montpelier, so if you live near there or plan to travel there, then add a Jambon-Beurre to your list of things to eat, and go ahead and check out Red Hen while you’re there as well! Eat up, folks!
Have you tried this one yet? Your thoughts? Let’s hear it!
Have you tried this one yet? Your thoughts? Let’s hear it!
46. Virginia
Sandwich: Country Ham Sandwich
Where to Enjoy: Sally Bells’s or Fulks Run Grocery
Their classic ham sandwich is something to be noted of. Think of when you order ham and your local grocery store deli counter. You get a big pile of it all bagged up and ready to be taken home. Imagine putting that whole entire pile of meat onto one small little sandwich. That’s exactly what Sally Bell’s does with theirs. However, if you don’t live near there, check out Fulks Run Grocery as well for yet another delicious ham sandwich alike as well.
Have you tried this one yet? Your thoughts? Let’s hear it!