Are you hungry yet? Have you drooled all over your phone yet? Don’t worry, we don’t judge because we can totally relate. So far, six of fifty sandwiches have been listed and talked about and in all honesty, I want literally each and every one of these in my belly immediately. Too bad, I only live in one state. Truth be told, I would 100% travel the country just for all of these sandwiches!
There’s just something super comforting about eating a sandwich. Thoughts?
Next up, let’s travel to Connecticut and Delaware to pique your sandwich interests and beyond.
7. Connecticut
Sandwich: Connecticut-style Lobster Roll
Where to Enjoy: Abbott’s Lobster in the Rough
Ah, lobster rolls. Such a classic sandwich flavor no matter where you are; however, I’m sure that one tastes a whole h*** of a lot better fresh from the source and a coast to which the lobsters are freshly caught, as opposed to being bought. It comes with an entire pound of meat, all topped with a melted-butter infused bun that is toasted to perfection. Done Deal.
The location of this restaurant is truly perfect to be eating a lobster roll, being located in Noank, which just so happens to be exactly adjacent to Long Island (perfect lobster roll-eating location, am I right, or am I right; I’ll wait).
Have you tried this one yet? Your thoughts? Let’s hear it!
8. Delaware
Sandwich: Special Italian Hoagie
Where to Enjoy: Gaudiello’s
Located in Wilmington’s Trolley Square, this delicious eating establishment is probably the safest spot for all hoagie people alike, big and small, they accept and take them all. It features a wide selection of cured Italian meats galore, provolone cheese, fresh veggies, only the highest quality extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), and their housemade Italian red wine vinaigrette. What’s the best part? The fresh Italian bread, to which our world is never ever in shortages of.
What’s better than an Italian cured meat sandwich? Not a whole h*** of a lot, folks.
Have you tried this one yet? Your thoughts? Let’s hear it!