At this point, it’s become a tradition for cereal brands to come out with Halloween cereals around this time of year. They either take one of their well-known cereals and make it “Halloween” or they come out with a whole new cereal that’s spooky.
But some of these spooky cereals are better than others. Let’s take a look at five (in no particular order) of the top Halloween cereals.
5 of our favorite Halloween cereals in 2021
Boo Berry
Boo Berry originally came out in 1972 and is still going strong. The cereal is one of the only blueberry-flavored cereals to exist. It features blue ghost-shaped crunchy pieces, white ghosty marshmallows, pink and blue monster marshmallows, and purple bat marshmallows. When you add in milk, you get a bowl of blue goodness. What’s not to like?

Count Chocula
It’s chocolate. Do I need to say more? Count Chocula was first introduced in 1971 and has been available ever since. It may be Halloween-related as it’s all about the chocolate-eating vampire but it’s available all year round. The cereal features crunchy chocolate pieces and bat-shaped chocolate marshmallows. It’s a chocoholic’s dream.

Franken Berry
Frankenstein also has a cereal (or should I say Frankenstein’s monster?). Franken Berry also came out in 1971 but features strawberry-flavored crunchy pieces with pink and blue monster-shaped marshmallows, white ghosts, and purple bats. If you like fruity, sugary cereals, this is definitely the cereal you want for Halloween morning!
Cap’n Crunch’s Halloween Crunch
Even Cap’n Crunch has a Halloween cereal. Cap’n Crunch’s Halloween Crunch includes the classic Cap’n Crunch square, sugary pieces, and pink ghost pieces that are supposed to turn your milk green.
According to the reviews, that color change doesn’t always happen, but if you’re a Cap’n Crunch fan, this is definitely worth trying.
Monster Mash
Looking for a cereal that combines all the Halloween cereal characters in one box? Monster Mash is definitely your jam. It came out in 1971 and includes the crunchy pieces from Boo Berry and Franken Berry along with bat-shaped, ghost-shaped, monster-shaped, and chocolate-flavored marshmallows.
The marshmallows are from Fruity Yummy Mummy, Fruit Brute, and Count Chocula. It is also the 50th anniversary of this cereal (along with the other 1971 Halloween cereals) so if you’ve yet to give it a try, now is a perfect time.
What is your favorite Halloween-themed cereal? Let us know in the comments below!;