I can’t believe it….it’s almost that time where people are walking around the neighborhood in their favorite character costumes, handing out candy, and just having a good time – otherwise known as Halloween. I think in today’s times we could definitely use a lot of times as such. Halloween is a day where people can dress up as their favorite character or monster and not have a care in the world. Where kids get scared, yet love all the scary decorations, and adults love receiving the candy just as much, if not more than all of the kids do. All of the sweet treats and candies that you get on Halloween are just unmatchable. While you can get most of this candy year-round, they all just seem to taste better this time of year. Reese’s always tastes better in the shape of a pumpkin or a ghost. The cookies and cream mini Hershey’s bars always taste better when they look like fangs. Let’s discuss all things trick-or-treating!! What’s the best candies to get when walking door-to-door? Which house on your block takes the winning cake?
What is your favorite Halloween candy to get as a Trick-or-Treater?

1. Nerds Ropes
Aren’t these just the best? There’s just something about the gummy meets crunchy texture that just really does it for me. If you’re not a giant fan of the dueling textures, opt for something completely gummy instead or just a plain ole box of Nerds themselves!
2. King-Size Chocolate Bars
Let’s be honest, we all know which houses give these away in our neighborhoods. We all make it a special trip to visit such houses, even if it’s not along our normal route. The best kind size bars to get are either a giant pack of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or the Cookies & Cream Hershey’s!
3. Carmel Apple Lollipops
Everyone loves these, even if you’re not the biggest carmel or the biggest apple-flavored fan! While I wish the the caramel flavor wouldn’t just stop when you reached the apple sucker part of it, it’s almost identical to when you eat a real carmel apple itself….sticky, fruity, and delish!
4. Anything Sour
No matter what you say, sour candies are always the best. Whether you’re a sour candy super fan or they’re all just okay to you, you eat them especially on Halloween. I mean come on, let’s be honest over here: we all look forward to getting a tiny pack of Sour Patch Kids, don’t we now?
5. Cookies & Cream Mini Hershey’s Bars
These are possibly one of the best chocolate bars to get on Halloween (or ever, really), and for some odd reason, they taste better in either of these two scenarios: minis or fang-shaped. Why? I have no idea. You’re crazy if you’re not a fan….just sayin’.
6. Milk Duds
I don’t really know most people that actually have anything negative to say about these candies. They stick to your teeth and they’re so basic, yet so delicious. Sure, anyone can make a chocolate-covered caramel candy; however, can you make a Milk Dud? Nope. You cannot.
7. Junior Mints
So creamy. So minty. So fresh. To me, personally, these taste like the candy version of the best Dark Chocolate Mint Chip Ice Cream that I could possibly think of. Mint is a pretty strong flavor, so I understand if you’re not a mint person, but these are super creamy and delish, so give them a try!
8. Laffy Taffy
Answer this one question below as honest as you possibly can: when you get these, are you more excited to eat the actual taffy, or read the stupid corny jokes on the back of the wrapper from Judy S. from Scottsdale? Let’s be honest: banana is a supreme flavor and should be appreciated more!
9. Pay Day
Do you associate Pay Day candy bars with your Grandma or Grandpa? Probably. But is the salty-sweet-nutty combination an elite explosion in your mouth. Why, of course it is! In my personal opinion, Pay Days are way underrated and should 100% be appreciated way more than right now!
10. Hot Tamales
These are personally one of my favorites. There’s absolutely nothing out there on the gummy chewy candy market that can truly match it’s flavor. I grew up with my Dad always eating these a lot and also buying them on Halloween. Elite candy. Elite flavor. Try. It. Now. Please.
11. Mike & Ike’s
These are fruity versions of Hot Tamales (or is it that the Hot Tamales are a hot cinnamon version of Mike & Ike’s? Put your thoughts down in the comments down below. They come in a variety of fruit flavors, but for me, the original green bags and boxes taste the best! Thoughts on these?
12. Twizzlers
Ahhh, what a classic. Licorice is such a classic candy, snack, and overall delicious Halloween treat. My Grandpa Tono was a huge fan of the classic Twizzlers, which ultimately made me a huge fan of them as well. Whether the usual licorice sticks or cherry-flavored nubs, Twizzlers are where it’s at!
13. 100 Grand Bar
This is a candy that, I think, either not many people know of (anymore) or that they haven’t tried it yet! It’s got carmel, it’s got crispy rice cereal bits, and, most importantly, it’s got chocolate! It’s so dang sweet that I usually can’t have more than one fun-size at a time; but that’s why I love them!
14. Butterfinger
If you’re a fan of peanut butter and chocolate together, but like a much more subdued peanut butter flavor (as opposed to the cups that we’ll discuss down below right after this one), then this chocolate bar is the one for you. It’s sweet, crunchy, creamy, and nutty! Eat up and enjoy!
15. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Talk. About. A. Classic. Unless you’re allergic to peanut butter, you’re exempt. But if you don’t like Reese’s classic PB cups, then there’s something wrong with you. Clearly. The white chocolate version is super sweet and mine (and my boyfriend’s) personal favorite! Sooooo good!
Candy Corn
One of the most loved and hated Halloween candies out there. I personally love them, but I also know of people who personally hate them. I’m also a huge fan of eating those super thick pumpkin-shaped candy corn, and surprisingly, I actually the chocolate variety too! A True Classic!
This is definitely the candy on this list, that some people just don’t like to admit that they actually like and eat. I’m personally just a tad bit of a bigger fan of the British version of these, Maltesers; however, the American Whoppers sure do make a huge impression on my sweet tooth!
What’s your favorite Halloween candy? Which candies on this list do you like the most? What’s your favorite part of being a trick-or-treater? What are you dressing up as this Halloween season? Let’s chat down in the comments below!