Doritos brings the Twist or Treat with return of a fan favorite

Doritos Twisted Lime
Doritos Twisted Lime

When it comes to Doritos, we love all the flavors. And that is especially true when it comes to some of those limited time flavors that only return at select times of the year or the flavors that we never think might return. Basically, if it is Doritos, we want it!

But there is one flavor that we are truly obsessed with – The Doritos Twisted Lime! And just in time for Halloween and the end of the spooky season, the company is resurrecting this fan favorite flavor!

According to a press email we received, the Twisted Lime flavor returns to store shelves for a limited time starting on October 21. This flavor will only be around while supplies last, which means if you want it and you see it in a store near you, you need to grab it.

The Twisted Lime flavor will be available in XXL size bags and will cost approximately $4.79 per bag. Basically it is the perfect treat this Halloween.

Doritos brings back their fan favorite Twisted Lime chip

On top of the Twisted Lime chip returning to stores, it seems that they are also doing a giveaway for fans. The giveaway will run on social media and will see fans getting their hands on a very special bag of the chips in a Halloween inspired packaging.

According to the press email we received,

"fans can head to @doritos Instagram page to enter a giveaway for a chance to win an exclusive version of Doritos Twisted Lime Halloween packaging."

That’s right Doritos fans. Not only are we getting Twisted Lime back on store shelves, but there is an opportunity to win a limited edition bag too! It sounds like a win-win to us.

What do you think Guilty Eaters? Are you excited for the return of the Twisted Lime flavor? Will you be snagging a few bags of this flavor? Will you enter the giveaway? We want to know.