The Grinch has partnered with Hershey to give us a few more holiday tricks this year

The Grinch at Hershey’s Chocolate World. Image courtesy Hershey's
The Grinch at Hershey’s Chocolate World. Image courtesy Hershey's /

If there is one holiday character that many of us can relate to, it might just be the Grinch. And this year, the Grinch and Hershey have some tricks for us.

Recently, Hershey fans may have noticed a certain green guy popping up on a seasonal favorite – The Hershey Kiss! And while we love Kisses all year long, there is something about the holiday wrappers that gets us into a festive frame of mind. But this year, the Grinch himself has been stealing the Kisses or maybe the foils for himself, leaving us with bags of Grinch wrapped Kisses (they are adorable!!!).

However, it seems that the Grinch isn’t stopping there. Across the country, the Grinch has been popping up at some iconic Hershey locations from Pennsylvania to New York City to Las Vegas and making things a little more green.

So what exactly do we know about how the Grinch has gone rogue with Hersheys? And what does this mean for our holiday Kisses?

The Grinch and Hershey are having some fun this holiday season with Kisses and more

The Grinch at Hershey’s Chocolate World. Image courtesy Hershey’s /

According to the press release from Hershey,

"It’s official: the Grinch has departed Who-ville and is mischievously tiptoeing across the country wreaking havoc in some of the sweetest places around. Rumor has it he plans to stick around through the holiday season, stealing bags of Hershey’s Kisses chocolates only to give them out to fans once his heart grows three sizes."

That’s right chocolate lovers, the Grinch is out of Who-ville and ready for a little holiday mischief (but apparently not the stealing Christmas kind, so we are here for this). He may be a reformed Christmas hater, but that doesn’t mean he can’t have a little fun with everyone. And he is definitely having some fun.

But did you notice how they mentioned him giving out those Hershey’s Kisses once his heart grows three sizes? We did and we looked deeper to learn that,

"now through December 8, fans nationwide also have the chance to get “Grinched!” Simply visit @hersheys on Instagram and Twitter and reply or comment #GrinchKisses and #Sweepstakes on the designated Grinch posts for the chance to win free bags of the sought-after sweets."

Free Hershey’s Kisses? Yes please! We love to see it. And if they happen to be Grinch themed, then we really need to get our Kiss on. Honestly, we are excited by this giveaway as much for the Grinch of it all, as we are the actual chocolate Kisses.

And if you really want to have some fun with the Grinch and Hershey, there is even more to enjoy at Hershey’s Chocolate World attractions (located in Pennsylvania, NYC, and Las Vegas of course).

"As part of the partnership, chocolate lovers can visit Hershey’s Chocolate World attractions in Hershey, Pa., New York, N.Y., and Las Vegas, Nev. to be immersed in the Grinch-y mischief and enjoy décor galore, photo opportunities, an Amazing Candy Machine stuffed with the new Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolates with Grinch foils and more."

All together, this sounds like an epic experience for chocolate lovers and Grinch fans alike. And of course, the fact that we can enjoy some mischief, get some Kisses, and get into the holiday spirit is the kind of festive fun we can’t resist.

Next. Goldbelly will deliver the most festive dessert ever with the Christmas PieCaken. dark

What do you think my chocolate loving Guilty Eats readers? Will you be on the hunt for the Grinch this holiday season? And are we excited for the Grinch and his chocolatey surprises? I know we are!