McDonald’s. Home of the Big Mac, the Egg McMuffin and what some consider the best, tastiest french fries in all of fast food. To say some of the items on their menu are iconic and a part of the fabic of America would be an understatement.
Another item that many would include in that list is the Chicken McNugget. The breaded and fried pieces of chicken have been a mainstay of the McDonald’s menu since the early 1980s and a popular Happy Meal option for almost just as long.
The dipping sauces have also earned their own place in fast food lore, with everyone complaining they never get enough when they order McNuggets. And who can forget the Szechuan Chicken McNugget Sauce craze that swept the country after a Rick and Morty episode aired.
So it shouldn’t be that shocking that McDonald’s is experimenting with ways to spice up the classic McNuggets. Of course, they’re doing it in Japan, which stinks for us U.S. McNugget fans, but we should be getting used to other countries getting the cool new fast food items that we’ll never see by now.
Say hello to new McDonald’s Garlic Pepper Spicy Chicken McNuggets.
According to the nugget-lovers over at our arch rivals Chewboom, McDonald’s in Japan is introducing new Garlic Pepper Spicy Chicken McNuggets for a limited time. In addition to the really long name, the Japanese are also getting two brand new dipping sauces to boot.
仕事もひと段落、ちょっと小腹も空いてきた…そんな大人に、#スパイシーチキンマックナゲット黒胡椒ガーリック の食欲をそそる期間限定ソースをご紹介😋#にんにく醤油マヨソース で和風にキメる❓🔁#燻製風チーズソース でコクを楽しむ❓❤️
— マクドナルド (@McDonaldsJapan) January 17, 2022
The Garlic Pepper Spicy Chicken McNuggets include chicken nuggets that have been battered in breading seasoned with black pepper and garlic, in addition to white peppers as well as chili peppers. It all adds up to a McNugget with some serious kick.
The first of the new sauces is a Garlic Soy Sauce Mayo Sauce that is made with soy sauce, garlic and black pepper as well as onion powder and sesame seeds. The other is Smoked Cheese Sauce that includes a blend of smoked and cheddar cheese with onion powder and black pepper.
As was mentioned before, the new Garlic Pepper Spicy Chicken McNuggets are currently only available in Japan. Hopefully they’ll give them a test run here but for now if you really want to try them, pack a bag and buy a plane ticket.
What do you think Guilty Eaters? Do the new Chicken McNuggets sound like a winner to you? Or are you strictly a honey mustard kind of person? Leave a comment and let us know or join the conversation on our Twitter and Facebook pages.