Coca-Cola launches new product and new look across their flavors lineup

Coca-Cola with Coffee Mocha. Image courtesy Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola with Coffee Mocha. Image courtesy Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is kicking off 2022 with not only a new flavor in their product lineup, but also a whole new look when it comes to their flavors line!

In January of 2021, Coca-Cola launched their newest innovation – a line of cola infused with coffee. And based on the lines popularity, it should come as no surprise that in January 2022, they are introducing a brand new flavor!

In a press email we received on behalf of Coca-Cola, we learned all about their newest coffee infused flavor, which is officially the Coffee Mocha. Considering mocha coffee is one of the most popular flavor profiles, it just makes sense that the brand would add it to their coffee infused lineup that already includes the flavors, caramel, vanilla, and dark blend.

It’s a caffeine forward drink that just makes sense, as the mocha just makes every sip more luxurious than the last.

Coca-Cola introduces a new flavor and a new look

Cherry Vanilla Can Dry. Image courtesy Coca-Cola

Of course, it is not just the addition of a new coffee infused cola flavor that we are celebrating in 2022. It is also the makeover that the flavor lineup is getting.

But what does that mean? It means that the Coca-Cola flavors line will have a bold, modern new look. We are talking about flavors like Cherry, Vanilla, and Cherry Vanilla getting a new look that makes them stand out from the crowd.

According to the company,

"Coca-Cola Flavors will flaunt a new look in the U.S. featuring a modern design with vibrant, colorful cans to quickly communicate flavors and a bold, dominant script to hero Coca-Cola’s branding. Full color cans will designate single flavors – Cherry and Vanilla – and stacked colors will communicate dual flavors –Cherry Vanilla. The black script reinforces zero sugar and zero calorie, and consistent gold tops reinforce caffeine-free drinks."

Seriously, we are here for a fresh look for these cola flavors and a whole new flavor to sip on to get us through long days and cold nights.

But that’s not all! Because they want to make sure that they take this new launch to a whole new level. And that means making sure these new looks and this new product arrive to your door in a whole new way. According to the press email we received,

"Because these modernizations deserve a cutting-edge entrance to fridges across the country, Coca-Cola is enlisting a fleet of self-driving robots to deliver the innovations directly to consumers’ doorsteps, while supplies last. Fans can submit their delivery address on for a chance to receive a first sip before the products officially hit shelves."

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But what do you think Guilty Eats readers? Are you excited for a new addition to the Coffee infused cola line? Do you think giving the Coca-Cola Flavors line a new look is a good idea? We want to know what you think.