As all foodies are aware, or at least the ones who smartly read Guilty Eats on a regular basis, fast food chains in Japan don’t know moderation. McDonald’s, Burger King, you name the chain and odds are they have some ridiculously massive sandwich on their menu.
Burger King has long been the king (pardon the pun) of the almost comically sized burger with the Tokyo Teriyaki Tower Burger and the Big Mouth Burger just to name two. And believe me, there are many more.
Now McDonald’s apparently wants in on the action and are going big, both literally and figuratively to do it. According to MSN, they are taking inspiration from their Samurai Mac line, a popular style of burgers sold in Japan, and are taking it over the top.
The new burger is called a Triple Samurai Mac and from every indication, it not only will satisfy your hunger in a big way, but looks like something that could actually sell here in the States and prove popular.
The Triple Samurai Mac will only be available at McDonald’s for two weeks.
本日4/6(水)夕方5時から#トリプル肉厚ビーフ が2週間限定復活!
— マクドナルド (@McDonaldsJapan) April 6, 2022
The Triple Samurai Mac includes three, count ’em three 100 percent beef patties that are each topped with a slice of American cheese and sliced onions. The sandwich is then topped with a soy-flavored teriyaki sauce that takes the whole thing to the next level.
The Triple Samurai Mac is the bigger brother of the other sandwiches in the Samurai Mac line, which include a single and a double. But this is the first time (that we know of) it has included a triple version.
Unfortunately, if you were hoping to fly to Japan in order to try one you’re going to have to move fast. The Triple Samurai Mac will only be on sale for two short weeks and once it’s gone, that’s it.
Why McDonald’s doesn’t try selling this sandwich or any of the other burgers only available in other countries in the United States is a mystery. This burger in particular looks like it would almost certainly be a hit with fans.
Might be time to hit up social media and let McDonald’s know they should share the ridiculously massive burger wealth with the rest of the world.
What do you think Guilty Eats Nation? Would you want to try a Triple Samurai Mac if you could get one here? Leave a comment below and let us know or join the conversation on our Twitter and Facebook pages.