Have you seen the BlendJet online before? Have you seen their Lisa Frank blenders they dropped in January? Have you wondered about these personal blenders and if they work well and if they really are as amazing as they look (and sound)? Well you are in luck because we have the answer and not only that, we also have all the details on their new line of lattes.
With the BlendJet personal blender, you can whip up amazing drinks at home, on-the-go, or at the office. Basically, no matter where you are, you can make a cafe quality latte, frozen coffee, or smoothie. It’s super easy and ends up making the perfect icy drink even on the run.
And recently, BlendJet introduced their very own line of lattes – the BlendJet JetPack Lattes! Available in a variety of flavors/options, these latte packs make it super easy to enjoy everything from an icy vanilla latte to a Chai latte anytime of the day or night.
BlendJet drops their own line of lattes to make sipping on the go easy

The six BlendJet JetPack Lattes are:
- Caramel (This was a definite winner. We made this with 2% milk and ice, topped with whipped cream and a little caramel syrup and it was like going to Starbucks.)
- Mocha (This is another one that was delicious, especially when made with 2% milk.)
- Vanilla
- Chai
- Matcha Green Tea (I am a big fan of the Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte from Starbucks, but this latte mix was definitely a win from BlendJet. It may not have been exactly like the Starbucks version, but it definitely won my tastebuds.)
- Cinnamon Dolce
On top of being able to buy these six flavors individually, you can also by a Variety Pack with all six flavors in it. Getting the variety pack was a great way to try all the lattes and find which ones are your favorites. It was definitely worth it for us, as we might never have tried the Matcha or Mocha otherwise.
If you are looking for a great way to enjoy a blended coffee or smoothie on the go, then the BlendJet is the answer. It was definitely the answer for us!
What do you say Guilty Eaters? Have you seen these ads? Have you snagged your own BlendJet personal blender from one of the online ads? Will you be trying this personal blender or their line of JetPack lattes? And which latte are you the most interested in tryin? We would love to know down in the comments below.