We are at the point when the end is in sight for the MasterChef: Back to Win chefs. Not only are we in the top 10 now, but we are dealing with challenges that are taking things to a whole new level in the MasterChef kitchen.
And in episode 14, the chefs had to take on the “Gas Station Gourmet” challenge. For this one, it was all about taking classic gas station snacks and elevating them into gourmet dishes.
Unfortunately for Brandi Alexander, her time in the MasterChef kitchen came to an end following the Gas Station Gourmet challenge. While she was a strong competitor throughout the 12th season, this was definitely one of those times where the dish just did not deliver on what the judges were looking for.
Following her elimination episode of MasterChef, we got the chance to ask Brandi a few questions about her time on the Back to Win season, if she would do it again, and as always, what her guilty eat is.
Brandi Alexander talks about coming back to MasterChef and what being on set was like for her

Guilty Eats: What was returning to this season of MasterChef like for you?
Brandi Alexander: “Honestly, filming season 12 of MasterChef was during a crazy time of my life. I was pumped to return, but was also a new mom of a 10 month old. She was with me in LA during filming. Which meant I was caring for her during the night and on off days. I was still breastfeeding her at night and pumping on set during the day on lunch or breaks. Exhausted is an understatement to describe me during the season 12 filming. However, it was a second chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity. Although it was hard to leave my two sons at home, (the mom guilt was real) I had to take the opportunity or knew I’d always regret it.”
GE: What was your favorite part of returning to the MasterChef kitchen?
BA: “I feel like MasterChef really teaches you so much about yourself during your journey. You get to learn from amazing mentors, you get to challenge yourself, and you find out things about yourself you really didn’t know. MasterChef made me a stronger chef, a stronger person, a better mother, friend, etc. Relationships made along the way are always memorable as well.”
GE: When you heard about the Gas Station Gourmet Challenge, what were your thoughts about elevating the snacks?
BA: “Honestly, it was a little contradicting for me. We’re usually given gourmet ingredients, the best of the best, for our challenges. To me, the challenge was to turn the snacks into a delicious dish. I didn’t really feel like it was supposed to be Michelin Star quality. I mean, Gordon’s was a chip crusted fish. It looked amazingly delicious, but certainly not something he would sell for high dollar in one of his restaurants. I think the hardest part of each challenge is interpreting what the judges actually want you to DO. It’s not always, ‘Does your food taste good or not?’ Sometimes it’s did you do what was asked of you in the challenge (and sometimes that’s hard to figure out on the fly).”
GE: Would you come back to MasterChef again?
BA: “Shew, that’s a complex question. Part of me wants to say, ‘Why in the world would I do that to myself again?’ But another part tells me to push myself to the limit. Honestly, I think it would depend on what all was going on in my life. Would I be in a place where it would be mentally and physically appropriate for me to take the journey again. I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out if that time ever comes.”
GE: Are there any other cooking competitions you would want to be part of?
BA: “I’ve always wanted to be on Next Food Network Star. Having my own cooking show would be a dream come true.”
GE: What’s next for you?
BA: “Honestly, a lot is in the works. I’ve just started drafting my own cookbook. I hope to release it in 2023. I’ve also been filming a pilot for my own culinary show. It starts in Louisville, KY, close to home. Each episode takes place in a different part of the country. It’s kind of my introduction to different culinary regions. Each place I visit, I learn about the culture and cuisine of the region. I recreate a popular dish, but put my own southern spin on it.”
GE: What is your Guilty Eat?
BA: “Having three kids, I honestly have several Guilty Eats! If I had to choose, I’d say ice cream for sure, I could eat it EVERY DAY, as well as kettle cooked Salt and Vinegar chips. I love anything salt and vinegar flavored! (Actually I’d probably eat the two together!)”
If you want to see what’s next for Brandi, check out her Instagram account and follow her post-MasterChef journey.