When it comes to the MasterChef semi-finals, the challenges are hard and they are designed to take the final five down to our top three chefs. And following the Fire and Ice challenge that sent Emily home over Baked Alaska, it was time for the Keeping up With Gordon challenge.
Not only did the chefs have to make a signature Gordon Ramsay dish, but they had to do as he was doing it. So it was a fast paced cooking sprint where the dishes not only had to taste just like Gordon’s, but they also had to look like his.
And what was the dish that our chefs had to make? That would be a Lobster Tortellini.
With just four chefs left in the competition and the finals on the line, it was as much about flavors as it was presentation. And at the end of the night, the chef eliminated by this challenge was Shanika Patterson.
We were definitely sad to see Shanika go home before the finals, but it did mean that we had the opportunity to ask her some questions following her elimination. From what her favorite part of being back in the MasterChef kitchen was to cooking with Bowen again, here’s what Shanika had to say about her time on MasterChef and what’s next for her.
MasterChef’s Shanika Patterson talks to Guilty Eats about her time on Back to Win

Guilty Eats: What was your favorite part of being back in the MasterChef kitchen?
Shanika Patterson: “My favorite part of being back in the MasterChef kitchen was having the opportunity to see the judges again. I absolutely love those guys!”
GE: What brought you back for the Back to Win season?
SP: “I came back to the MasterChef kitchen to show the world just how much I’ve grown as a chef and as a person. I believe that I accomplished that goal.”
GE: Do you feel like you were able to show viewers how you have evolved as a chef since your first season?
SP: “Yes. And I hope they continue to follow me on my journey of growth as I am determined to become one of the greatest female chefs of my generation. You know, like Gordon Ramsay is one of the greatest of his generation.”
GE: What was it like cooking with Bowen again?
SP: “It was great cooking with Bowen! Bowen and I had cooked together after we appeared on season 9 of MasterChef, at his restaurant, Bowen Bistro in West Lafayette, Indiana. I was able to cook with my good friend before the pandemic hit our country in 2020. We had an amazing time together.”
GE: What was the hardest part of that final challenge (the “follow Gordon” challenge) for you?
SP: “Trying to keep up with Gordon Ramsay! Hahahaha! The second hardest part about the last challenge was that I could not taste the food and was overthinking about safety measures for dealing with the food that I am allergic to.”
GE: What’s next for you?
SP: “Well, I’m currently attending the Culinary Institute of America, where I’m set to graduate in December of this year. After graduation, I plan to travel to learn more about world cuisine. It’s always been a dream of mine. And once I’m done traveling, maybe I’ll just open up my first restaurant…”
GE: And since we are Guilty Eats, I have to ask, what is your guilty eat?
SP: “My guilty eat is something that is so weird to a lot of people but it’s something that I absolutely love. I cannot help that I love this concoction, snack, I don’t know what you call it. But it is pork crackling strips with seasoned rice vinegar. I know, I know, it’s so weird. Like, why would I want to take something that’s crunchy and put it in something that would possibly soften it, you might ask. Well, it’s because I don’t allow it to sit and soak. I put it into a bowl, pour a little vinegar, half of the size of the amount that I’m going to eat, and I eat them quickly. The cracklings are still crunchy when I eat them, but it’s like I’m eating their sauce. I’m not even ashamed of it. That’s my favorite snack!”
If you enjoyed watching Shanika’s MasterChef journey both on her original season and during the Back to Win season, check out her Instagram to follow the chef as she continues her culinary adventures.