MasterChef: Back to Win has come to an end on FOX and with it, our three finalists were named and of course a winner was crowned. At the end of the season, we had Dara Yu, Michael Silverstein, and Christian Green fighting for the title of MasterChef.
At the end of the finale and a three course menu that was next level for all three chefs, our winner was Dara. But that also left us with two amazing chefs who made it to the finale. And we had the opportunity to ask questions of both Michael and Christian following the airing of the finale episode.
Up first, we have Michael Silverstein, who we actually had the opportunity to chat with at the very beginning of the season thanks to his partnership with Grubhub. We had to know what it was like being back in the kitchen, if he would do it again, and also his thoughts on his final menu.
MasterChef’s Michael talks about his finale night menu and more with Guilty Eats

Guilty Eats: What was the best part of returning to MasterChef for the Back to Win season?
Michael Silverstein: “Making it onto MasterChef once is near impossible. Twice? A miracle. So in really simple terms, just getting to cook for the judges in that kitchen again was honestly the best part. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s just true. It’s a bit mind-bending when you walk through the big doors into that kitchen, and you can’t help but get swept up in the thrill of it. It’s a rush I never quite experienced before MasterChef, and I’ll likely never get again.”
GE: Do you feel like you were able to show the world who you are as a chef versus your first time in the MasterChef kitchen?
MS: “Oh, without a doubt, I was a force to be reckoned with this season. And I was a bit of an underdog walking in there. Most folks I was competing against were finalists in their season, and I wasn’t even close. But this also pushed me to give 110% every challenge, and I think it showed. I think I made it very clear that I had the skill to be there. But beyond that, as a chef, I think this season you could see who I really am too – even outside the kitchen. You can see, throughout the season, exactly who I am. I worked my butt off, I’m a risk taker, and I cook with no fear. But you could also see how much I really cared about my fellow cast members and supported them. And that really is who I am as a person, and as a chef.”
GE: Have you been watching this season back? If you have, what has that been like for you?
MS: “Ha! Watching this season every week has been a mixture of absolute excitement and sheer terror! Look, being back on the show is the most thrilling chapter of my life, so it’s obvious I have to celebrate the moment and tune in every week. But watching yourself on TV is not easy. You have to re-live the stress of the competition all over again, and sometimes even watch yourself mess up, on air, for millions of people. That ain’t fun!”
GE: Are there any aspects of your final meal that you wish you could have done differently?
MS: “Nope. At first, of course, I obsessed over how I could have changed things. But I came to realize that I could pick apart every single decision I made, but what would that do now? I gave that finale everything I had, and I’m really proud of it. I will not apologize for taking risks with that food. Hello! It’s the MasterChef All-Star Finale!! This was the time to go all out! I was there to push myself, to push the food world, and to be daring, and that’s exactly what I did. And I’m so proud of myself, that menu, and my performance. If I’m going to “lose”, I’m going to lose for trying too hard, for pushing myself and my food to the edge, and for trying something new in the MasterChef kitchen. I didn’t go there to play it safe, and I’ll never regret that.”
GE: Would you do it again?
MS: “Obviously, yes! Who says “no” to Gordon Ramsay? Though I’d much prefer it if they would just hire me on to replace Joe as the next judge. Ha!”
GE: Are there any culinary competitions you’d be interested in taking part in now that you have competed on two seasons of MasterChef?
MS: “If I’m being honest, I would seriously love to be a judge on a cooking show, rather than a competitor. I mean, I’d much rather be eating the food than sweating in competition! But in truth, that is a real dream job of mine.”
GE: What’s next for you?
MS: “I have another cookbook coming out! My third cookbook, “Dinner in 30”, is coming out in late October, and it’s available now for pre-order everywhere books are sold. And I hope to continue my career as an author and social media content creator – I’m having a blast doing the work I love.”
GE: Finally, since I have already asked you what your guilty eat is before, I have to ask, what is your go-to comfort food?
MS: “A spicy chicken sandwich, fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Easy answer. It doesn’t get much better than that.”
To see what’s next for Michael, follow his post-MasterChef journey over on Instagram.