Why do we give chocolate as a gift for Valentine’s Day?

This week, the FSView Editorial Team discusses our ideal Valentine's Day.Valentine S Day Chocolate
This week, the FSView Editorial Team discusses our ideal Valentine's Day.Valentine S Day Chocolate

For Valentine’s Day, everyone has a preference. You could be hoping for a bottle of wine, flowers, or chocolate. No matter what, I’m sure we all know how that chocolate is a huge factor in the holiday.

Most chocolate brands usually feature special Valentine’s Day treats. Whether it’s a twist on one of their classic recipes like the Reeses Hearts or a hodgepodge of different flavors such as Dunkin’ Chocolate treats. Either way, chocolate is a core part of V-Day celebrations.

With chocolate making up such a huge portion of the Valentine’s Day market, you might be curious to know why it’s been a tradition to gift it for the holiday. The answer might not exactly surprise you, but the more you know.

If you’re looking for something to gift your sweetie this Valentine’s Day, you might be surprised to know why chocolate is a common gift.

Why do we give chocolate as a gift for our sweeties on Valentine’s Day?

If you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with a partner, then you might be planning on getting them some chocolate. Whether it’s a bar, a bag, or even a heart-shaped box, there is no shortage of options this season. The reason why it’s associated with Valentine’s Day, though is because it’s an aphrodisiac.

Essentially, chocolate will make you feel good, and thus with those good feelings, you’ll want to spread the love if you get what I’m saying. In the past, chocolate has also been used as a method of seduction so simply put, chocolate has always been a sexy food. No matter what you’re deciding to give your partner this year, you really can’t go wrong with chocolate.

In 2023, there are tons of different options out there in comparison to when chocolate first became a Valentine’s Day staple. No matter what variety, type, or size you might be looking for, you’re sure to find some Valentine’s Day chocolate that will catch your eye.

Regardless if you’re spending Valentine’s Day by yourself, with a partner, or with a friend, it’s good to know you can always count on chocolate to make you feel good. Personally, I feel like there’s nothing wrong with watching a few romantic movies and eating some chocolate to celebrate.

Did you know why we gifted chocolate for Valentine’s Day? Be sure to share your favorite Valentine’s Day treats in the comments.