7. McAfrika from McDonald’s
Believe it or not, there is a theme to this Hall of Fame of worst-of-the-worst.
The theme is that a good idea on paper doesn’t always translate into real-world success, and the McAfrika probably represents the best evidence for that theory. A combination of a bad name and bad timing, the McAfrika was actually made to not last long, but it still has earned its spot as one of the worst fast food items of all time.
The McAfrika was a simple burger, containing beef, cheese, and tomatoes. The difference with the McAfrika was that instead of a usual bun the McAfrika would be wrapped in pita bread, which was uncommon for a fast food joint in the early 2000s.
The high-ups at McDonald’s thought that this would be a game-changer for their menu, being branded as the lead item for their “Olympic Games Burger.” When it was released in 2002, however, a major famine struck in Africa, and many lobed heavy criticisms at Micky D’s for the burger’s name. McDonald’s remained unfazed, however, offering the McAfrika through its release schedule.
After the McAfrika was pulled off the menu, McDonald’s responded, saying that the release of the burger was ill-timed. That didn’t stop them from re-introducing the McAfrika for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, however, and can anyone guess what type of reaction the restaurant go then?
If you guessed a bad reaction, then you would be right. Maybe McDonald’s will learn that launching a burger named after Africa is a bad idea, and they won’t re-release the McAfrika anymore.
We hope.