18. Crispy Buffalo Chicken Melt from Burger King
In 2017, Burger King rolled out the Crispy Buffalo Chicken Melt. Now, it’s gone from the menu. There is a good reason why it’s no longer sold.
In theory, the Crispy Buffalo Chicken Melt should have been a hit. I mean, who doesn’t love crispy chicken with melted mozzarella cheese topped with Ken’s tangy buffalo sauce? Who would ever pass up this fiesta of taste to their taste buds? Apparently, most did after they tried it.
When looking at the Crispy Buffalo Chicken Melt, it looks as if it belongs on a late night menu, where people who’ve had way too much to drink would devour this sandwich, and wake up in the morning wishing that they didn’t.
Sounds a lot like Denny’s entire “Late Night Menu,” doesn’t it?
This was a sandwich in which the taste of the sandwich really depended on which location you got it from. If you got the sandwich from a Burger King where the cooks cared about their jobs, it was pretty tasty. But, if you visited one where no one really cared, it would be the worst sandwich you’ve ever eaten in your life.
When I first tried it, I ate it at one of the later BKs.
And there lies the true failure of the Crispy Buffalo Chicken Melt. Burger King has been struggling to get an identity for their crispy chicken line, and the Buffalo Melt was just a sad casualty of the chain trying to find the magic touch for its premium chicken sandwich.