17. Green Beans from KFC
Now, I think I’ve written about the KFC Green Beans before in a previous post, but for those who haven’t read that story, let me take some time to explain why the KFC Green Beans are the worst things on earth.
Before I dive into these horrific, tasteless green beans, let me just say, that I do not intend to smear the good name of KFC. I think their chicken is some of the best, and their mashed potatoes and gravy are addictive.
But those Green Beans need to get some life into them.
Maybe I’m biased about these Green Beans, I don’t know, but in order to explain why this item belongs on the list, you need to know a little bit about my background.
I grew up in the south, and in these parts, soul food cooking is a way of life. My love for green beans came from my late grandmother, and she passed her cooking traditions down to my mother, and my mom can sure cook a pot of green beans.
My family’s beans are cooked with flavor, something that lacks in KFC’s version. Without that flavor, green beans can taste lifeless, and lifeless doesn’t equal delicious. Over the years, I don’t think KFC really got that message, and they have, routinely, screwed up the green beans time and time again.
I’m now under the impression that green beans in a fast food restaurant just aren’t meant to be; and, I know it’s KFC, where they attempt to recreate the Sunday dinner seven days a week. But, if the chain is going to continue in this direction, please get some cooks that know how to season green beans.
It’s not that freaking hard.