Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Just Crack an Egg is here to make sure you’re prioritizing love just as much.
Just Crack an Egg is one of those products made to be enjoyed by one person. Even so, I’m sure some of my fellow Guilty Eaters are looking for someone to either share their Just Crack an Egg with or at least, someone to slip the grocery bill with.
That’s why Kraft-Heinz, the company behind Just Crack an Egg is trying to ensure their consumers get a chance at finding love. Even though Valentine’s Day is over, some are still looking for their prince charming, princess charming, or maybe even a farmer.
As ominous as that might sound, you’ll be surprised to discover what buying your next Just Crack an Egg might help you find.
Just Crack an Egg and FarmersOnly pair up with a special offer for egg fans.

Beginning on April 12th, Just Crack an Egg and FarmersOnly begin collaborating with their consumers to help them find love. As shared by the brand, all you have to do is go to, upload your receipt and you’ll get a code to get a year of free premium subscription to FarmersOnly. Honestly, if you’re looking for love, you might find it in the dairy aisle.
All joking aside, I feel like this is a pretty great marketing move by both companies. While they seem like an unlikely pairing, it makes a lot of sense. The price of all agricultural products is going up so why not try to get them from the source? As mentioned above, “How you get the eggs is up to you.”
While I’m not personally looking for a farmer love, I know others who might end up finding their eggact match during FarmersOnly. However, you have to make sure you’re uploading your receipt on the website mentioned above to get it. Even if you don’t find love, you really can’t go wrong with all of the flavors
Whether you’re looking for an All-American farmer or an All-American scramble, both companies are here to make things a tiny bit easier.
What do you think, Guilty Eaters? Will you be using justdateafarmer to find your next love? Share with us!