Did you know that May 28 is National Burger Day? In an honor of National Burger Day, DoorDash has revealed what Americans are topping their burgers with.
Obviously, one topping that a lot of us enjoy on our burgers is cheese. And cheddar is definitely the fan favorite of all the cheeses in most states. (In Philadelphia it’s American Cheese leading the pack, while San Francisco seems to prefer Parmesan on their burgers.)
But what about the condiments that you’re topping your burger with? Based on what people are ordering via DoorDash, we have an idea of which condiment people are picking up to top the burgers with.
And that’s not all we learned, as we also found out that Sunday is one of the most popular days to make burgers at home. So what exactly are people ordering when it comes to burger condiments?
Here are the top 5 burger topping condiments according to DoorDash

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the number one condiment for burgers is ketchup! It is actually closely followed by mayonnaise. And in the third spot, we have mustard, which is actually a major player, but comes in a distant third to both mayonnaise and ketchup.
Rounding out the top five condiments, we have relish in fourth place and ranch in fifth. We are actually not surprised to see ranch in the top five, because it is definitely one of those condiments that so many of us love when it comes to dipping.
According to DoorDash, mayonnaise is actually on a rising trend when it comes to being a popular burger condiment. And it is predicted that it could actually top ketchup by 2025.
Now we don’t know what you like on your burgers, but we do love mayonnaise as one of our condiments. In fact, it’s the one number one condiment in our book when it comes to making a perfect burger at home.
So we want to know, what do you put on your burgers? Which condiments are you reaching for? Head on over to our Twitter account and let us know your thoughts on these condiment results.