Just Crack an Egg is the perfect way to celebrate National Egg Day

Kraft Heinz’s Just Crack an Egg. Image courtesy of just crack an egg.
Kraft Heinz’s Just Crack an Egg. Image courtesy of just crack an egg.

Did you know that June 3 is National Egg Day? And with the help of Just Crack an Egg, we can enjoy an easy, on the go breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We all know this. However, for some of us breakfast is also one of the hardest meals to actually enjoy. Many of us are on the go, having to rush to work, or maybe you just don’t like eating early in the day. There are a lot of reasons why breakfast can be tricky.

Luckily for us, there are quite a few options on the market that do make it easier to enjoy breakfast, even for the people who are lacking a lot of time in the morning. One of those options is Just Crack an Egg.

Just Crack an Egg is the perfect on the go breakfast solution

If you are unfamiliar with Just Crack an Egg, they are like a mini meal kit in a cup. Just Crack an Egg literally requires you to have an egg on hand. But everything else you need comes right in the cup that lets you cook your breakfast.

The brand offers, seven different scramble kits, including the Denver, the All American, the Ultimate Rustic, the Veggie, the Southwest Styles, and the Protein Packed. They are available in stores nationwide, and can be found in the refrigerated section. They are literally cups featuring all the ingredients you need for a perfect scramble, minus the egg. And that is how they got the name. It’s all about just cracking an egg and adding it to the mix and cooking it right in that cup in the microwave. It’s super easy to make and very fast.

I had the opportunity to try the Just Crack an Egg cups, and I was impressed. Not only were they quick and easy, but they were also very tasty. I will admit that I am a cheese fiend, so I did add extra cheese. But that’s not necessary, because it has everything you need in that little cup. Make a delicious a scramble without all of the fuss and mess. This is perfect for breakfast on the go or a quick breakfast at home.