The Ninja CREAMi is the latest kitchen gadget to go viral, if that’s even a thing. Everyone is making recipes, testing out different ice cream flavors, and basically making everyone that doesn’t have one (A.K.A. me) very jealous.
There are so many different recipes that we’ve seen, but we’re going to touch on the top seven of all of them in order to help you out if you’re struggling on what to make next in there!
Do you have a Ninja CREAMi? Tell us your most favorite recipes to make!

In no particular order, here are the Top 7 viral Ninja CREAMi recipes:
1. Cookies & Cream Ice Cream
This one sounds the most delicious to me because who doesn’t love a good Oreo-flavored anything?! This one recipe that I found consists of just two simple ingredients: whole milk (or any milk of your choice for that matter) and one box of the Oreo pudding mix. Yes, that’s it!
This recipe was originally found on TikTok @abbyinthegalley where she tests out different flavors in her little series that she likes to call “Can It Creami?”. This recent Oreo video already has over 27K likes and over 347K views!
Find her video making it and testing it out right over here!
2. Chocolate High Protein Ice Cream
This is the one recipe that I’m honestly getting kind of annoyed with at this point. Literally everyone is making it and to me, it doesn’t even sound that good, but of course we just had to include it here because it’s gone so viral. Basically, all you need is one whole bottle of your favorite chocolate protein shake, some unsweetened cocoa powder, whole milk, and some sort of sugar free chocolate pudding mix. Sure, it sounds okay, but I’m just afraid that all I would taste is chalky protein.
Here are a couple accounts to check out if you want a visual recipe to look at: @emmajskii and @brookemurray54!
3. Dole Whip
Of course when I came across this one, I just had to include it. I’ve been to Disney almost a dozen times throughout my life and I can tell you one thing: a Dole Whip can and never will taste good in anywhere but Disney World. And forget all of the fancy versions of it. Stick to the classic pineapple!
Recently, though, I came across someone who was trying to recreate it using their Ninja Creami. And although it’s never going to be real thing, it’s at least a decent placeholder until I can get over to Disney, which won’t be for a very long time. Here’s what you need: Dole pineapple soft serve mix and water. This time, hit the sorbet setting button on the machine and boom! You’re all set!
Check out @kayleighropedrops for her recipe to see exactly what it’ll look like once finished!
4. Smoothie Bowl
For this one, there’s really no specific recipe that I came across, I just heard that if you really like a nice thick and creamy smoothie bowl texture, then the Ninja CREAMi is the most perfect kitchen appliance to do so, so say goodbye the your blenders and food processors! There’s actually a ‘Smoothie Bowl’ button on the machine so no need to worry about that!

5. Sorbet
Again, there have been so many different sorbet recipes to hit TikTok that it’s just nearly impossible to pick just one! I’ve seen mango, peach, strawberry, literally any sort of fruit that you can think probably can and will be turned into a Ninja CREAMi sorbet at some point in your life!
6. Cinnamon Toast Crunch Ice Cream
This is yet another recipe from @abbyinthegalley who has literally tried tons and tons of different things on her CREAMi, which fun fact, her husband actually bought her from the thrift store of all places! Here’s what she used in her version of said delicious-sounding and looking homemade ice cream: mini bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and some of your most favorite milk. Once soggy, she used an immersion blender to blend it all together, then froze it for 24 hours before turning it into actual ice cream. After it was all done and blended up, she used the rest of the cereal as a topping!
Check our her full video and taste testing right over here!
7. Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
I found this recipe on The Tasty Traveler’s blog post and here are all of the ingredients that she used and recommended: vanilla bean paste (to get those lovely black specks), cream cheese (room temp), sugar, heavy whipping cream, and milk. Once blended all together, it looked absolutely delicious; check it out all on her blog post right over here to see some of the most delicious-looking Vanilla Bean Ice Cream!!
That’s a wrap on the Top 7 viral Ninja Creami recipes that we could find! Did we miss any? Does this make you wanna buy one or what? Let’s chat all things ice cream and Ninja Creami’s down in the comments section down below! Have fun, be safe, and eat up, y’all!