We all know and love The Pioneer Woman! Whether it’s for her smile, seeing her dogs and gorgeous farm on TV, or her super simple and delicious recipes, we all have a very good reason for loving her. Personally, she’s my favorite chef on The Food Network and that will never change. I have her cookbooks, her utensils, and just overall think that she’s one chef that I would tell everyone to watch and follow along with if they were new cooks looking for down-home dishes!
She’s got quite the collection of recipes, and although I’m not a recipe-follower myself, I have been at least inspired by some of her very own dishes that I’d just absolutely love to share!
Check out all of these recipes below and many, many more right over here!
Here are 7 of the best recipes coming straight to you from The Pioneer Woman!

1. Chicken Milanese
Time to Make: 35 minutes
Here are all of the ingredients that you will need:
- 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 1/4 cup whole milk
- 3 large eggs
- 1/2 cup AP flour
- Salt & Pepper
- 1 cup seasoned breadcrumbs (store-bought or home-seasoned)
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- Arugula
- Balsamic Vinegar
- 1/2 fresh Parmesan shavings
- 1 lemon (cut into wedges for drizzling)
Here’s Why This is Her BEST Recipe EVER
This was my very first ever actual recipe trying from The Pioneer Woman; it was also my very first time cooking Chicken Milanese ever. So, of course, being the total Ree super-fan that I am, at the time, I found this recipe to make. I followed it step by step and because I did that for my very first time and first time only, I have since been able to adapt this to be my own. I no longer measure anything as I almost never do unless I am baking, and this recipe truly allowed me to feel completely comfortable cooking and working with raw chicken in the kitchen! Thank you, Ree!