Kraft Mac & Cheese is a comfort meal for so many. Whether it’s due to nostalgia or just a love for the blue box, there is no denying its appeal.
What people might not realize is just how many varieties of Kraft Mac & Cheese are out there. You can enjoy the Original Macaroni & Cheese with the noodles and orange powder. There is a whole grain pasta variety, a three cheese, white cheddar, and even, deluxe editions.
Honestly, there is no shortage of great flavors but there’s still so much undiscovered territory. Thankfully, Kraft knows its customers and wants to make sure that Mac fanatics get their voices heard.
I’m so excited to share Kraft’s latest campaign to allow fans to create the next big flavor.
Kraft Mac & Cheese needs your knowledge for its new flavor.
Whether you’re customizing the classic Kraft or just want to see something new, you have that chance. The brand is taking suggestions from now until December 15th with the chance to win up to $20,000 in prizes. Thankfully, there’s nothing too wild or crazy to submit to the company.
While there are plenty of great varieties already out there, sometimes it’s best to know what consumers are doing and wanting. You might want some Gouda Mac & Cheese, some Pizza Mac, or even, some Chili Mac. Honestly, the sky’s the limit as those are just some of my favorite options.
Thankfully, you have plenty of time to submit your suggestions and hopefully, you’ll see your favorite flavor end up on store shelves. If not, you can always hack it with some Kraft Mac & Cheese. There are so many unexplored and underrated flavors out there so this is the chance to bring one of your favorite flavors to life. I can’t wait to see some of the flavors that are suggested and to see which ones Kraft decides to go forward with.
Will you be suggesting a flavor of Kraft Mac & Cheese this winter? Share with us, Guilty Eaters!