Call Tillamook's Meltdown Line for your ice cream emergencies

Tillamook Meltdown Hotline
Tillamook Meltdown Hotline

If you pay attention to the news, you may have come across a story about a young boy who called the police on his mom after she ate his ice cream. The lighthearted moment didn’t just show that he was ready for a real emergency — it also proved that sometimes, you just really want some of the delicious dairy items we’ve loved since childhood.

That said, while the Ghostbusters are the ones to call when there’s something strange in the neighborhood, what if there were a hotline dedicated to getting ice cream? Tillamook is making that ice dream a reality.

Call the hotline and get free ice cream, courtesy of Tillamook

If you’re in a pinch and scrambling for ice cream — or if someone ate yours, like the kid mentioned above, Tillamook feels your pain. The brand has launched the Tillamook Meltdown Line, where you can redeem a free tub of Ice Cream. Just call (833) MLT-DOWN to claim yours, starting today.

Although nothing is worse than opening your fridge and realizing that someone ate your ice cream, it is nice to see that Tillamook understands the struggle that comes with this struggle. Also, with the weather starting to warm up and more people heading outside, ice cream will become a more desirable treat again to combat the heat.

So, while the ice cream truck may not come around until May, DoorDash isn't worth paying all the extra fees to have it delivered, and if you don't feel like buying more ice cream, Tillamook has you covered with the emergency hotline.

Plus, with an extensive lineup of flavors and a premium taste, the brand won’t let you down as you recover from the heartbreak of having your ice cream eaten.