Enjoy a little Puppy Love with these limited edition Mother's Cookies for Valentine's Day

Mother's Cookies is ready for Valentine's Day
Mother's Cookies is ready for Valentine's Day

If there is one cookie brand that we can't resist, it would have to be Mother's Cookies. Known for their shortbread cookies covered in a delicious frosting and sprinkles, these cookies are truly a delicious treat all year long.

And what we love most about Mother's Cookies is the fact that they have no problem giving us holiday specific cookies that let us celebrate in style. During Christmas they have their Reindeer Games cookies, around Halloween they do their Eerie Critters, and now for Valentine's Day we have the Puppy Love cookies.

The Valentine's themed cookies, which are also limited edition treats, are a mixed bag of shapes that includes two different dogs (hence the puppy love name), as well as Xs and Os. And I have to point out that there are mini dogs, as well as larger dog shapes in the bag to really lean into that idea of "puppy" love. These cookies are coated in pink and white frosting, with little pearl sprinkles in matching colors, and there is no denying that these cookies virtually melt in your mouth.

Mother's Cookies is ready for Valentine's Day with their limited edition Puppy Love cookies

I find Mother's Cookies to be some of the most delicate cookies on the market, with a flavor that satisfies the sweet tooth without actually being too sweet.

Honestly, I might just love these Puppy Love Cookies almost as much as the Halloween Eerie Critters because of how cute they are. But then again, I also have a soft spot for the Sparkling Mythical Creatures cookies, as they are as so cute and allow me to channel my inner child who loved all things fantastical. Basically, you can never go wrong with Mother's Cookies, and this Valentine's Day, we are definitely going all out with their Puppy Love Cookies.

If you snag a bag or two of these Mother's Cookies, make sure you check out their fun ideas section of their website, as they might just inspire you to take these cookies to all new heights. Puppy Love Pops anyone?